The HBV Anti-Racist Book Club facilitates meaningful conversations about anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism. Books written by BIPOC authors and allies from diverse backgrounds will be selected to inspire this dialogue. Reading literature increases empathy and understanding of other's experiences, potentially spurring better real-world behaviour. By reading content that inspires self-examination of unconscious thoughts and beliefs, and unlearning of destructive forces of white supremacy, BIPOC citizens of Halton and allies will be engaged in anti-racism work that transforms the way they think, act, and connect.
Virtual book clubs provide a safe space for everyone to participate, learn, and practice vulnerability while engaging in conversations about race and society. There will be 3 sections of the virtual book club, with maximum 6 readers per section at a time to allow for meaningful discussion:
(1) Black reading Group,
(2) Global Majority reading Group,
(3) White & Non racialized reading Group,
(4) Big Thinkers - an advanced reading group for both BIPOC and white readers who are ready to engage in critically conscious conversations.
Journaling while reading is expected, especially for white readers holding privilege, who should be engaging in self reflection throughout the process. Each virtual meeting will be 90 minutes, bi-weekly with flexible scheduling. Meetings will be scheduled through a virtual platform.